Privacy Policy

This privacy policy sets out the personal information that the Perception Group and its related bodies corporate (Perception) collect, and how Perception collects, holds, uses, transfers, stores and discloses the personal information.  It also explains individual privacy rights such as how an individual may seek to access or correct their personal information or make a privacy complaint. 

Individuals in Europe

If you are in the European Union (including the European Economic Area (EEA)), the collection and processing of your personal information will be subject to the General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679) (GDPR) from 25 May 2018.  In providing services to our customers, we collect and process personal information on behalf of our customers as a data processor about applicants and candidates for employment with them and about their employees. This collection and processing is necessary for ours and our customers' legitimate interests.  Otherwise, including for individual users of our website services, Perception will be a data controller for the purposes of the GDPR and this policy includes information that must be provided to you when we collect your personal information.

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, or other parts of our website, we can be reached via email at

Personal Information Collected and How it is Collected, Held, Used and Disclosed

1.    We collect personal information from:

(a)    our customers; and

(b)    other users of our website and services at several different points, including on or through the use of our website, online surveys, assessment forms, system registration and data analysis.

2.    This information is collected to provide contracted services to our customers which comprise for the purposes of managing applications for employment, assessing a candidate's suitability for particular employment opportunities, advising prospective employees' data analysis, and monitoring and assessing successful candidates, employees and personnel of our customers.

3.    The personal information collected may consist of an individual's:

(a)    name, mobile phone number, email address, household address, year of birth, country of birth, citizenship and visa information, languages background, gender, personal photographs, identification and references;

(b)    employment related information such as employment status, employment and education history, job performance data, personal traits, personal skills, and employment disciplinary history; and

(c)    other information relevant to an employment opportunity, including organizational memberships, hobbies and interests, goals, participation in social networking, prior applications, driving licence information and driving history.  This information may also include, with your consent, sensitive information relating to socio-demographic information and personal opinions and beliefs. 

4.    Perception stores personal information securely on servers in respect of which access is controlled, monitored and audited by Perception employees and contractors. 

5.    We will keep personal information for as long as we maintain our customer relationship or otherwise as required for our business operations or by applicable laws, including to enforce our rights, for fraud prevention, to identify, issue or resolve legal claims and/or for proper record keeping purposes, including to record any stated objection you may have to receiving direct marketing for the purpose of ensuring that we continue to respect your wishes and do not contact you further.

6.    Perception discloses personal information to its customers to facilitate job offers; however we do not share any data with third-party tools (such as AI models)

7.    Perception may also disclose personal information on a confidential need-to-know basis to its service providers, as part of a merger, acquisition or asset sale, or as otherwise permitted under applicable privacy laws.  Any third parties to whom we disclose or permit access to your personal information in the course of providing services on our behalf will be subject to strict contractual restrictions to ensure that they protect personal information and keep it confidential, consistent with relevant privacy and data protection laws. 

8.    In the event that Perception or a part of the business undergoes re-organization or is sold or licensed to a third party, any personal information we hold about you may be transferred to that re-organized entity, licensee or third party.

9.    The customers to whom Perception may disclose personal information may be located in various countries, including but not limited to the European Union and the EEA. 

10.    We will take steps to ensure that your personal information will be afforded the level of protection required of us under and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and applicable data protection laws and in accordance with current legally recognised data transfer mechanisms, such as a valid Privacy Shield certification (in the case of a data transfer to a Privacy Shield certified US recipient - or appropriate EC approved standard contractual clauses (see  

Communication from Perception – Direct Marketing

11.    From time-to-time, Perception may with your consent where required by applicable law, use personal information it has collected to send promotional and informational communications.  You will have the option of indicating your desire to receive or not receive this type of communication at the time you provide your information to Perception. Your consent to receiving these communications can be withdrawn at any time without detriment by unsubscribing. 

Security, Storage and Cookies 

12.    We use a variety of security measures to keep personal information secure and we take reasonable and appropriate steps to protect the personal information that you share with us from misuse, loss or unauthorized use or disclosure. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be totally secure. 

13.    Our website uses cookies, which are data that a website may transfer to an individual’s hard drive for record-keeping purposes and as an indirect pseudonymous identifier to distinguish you from other users. Cookies can facilitate a user’s ongoing access to and use of a site.  They allow us to track usage patterns and to compile data about your use of the website that can help us improve our content. If you do not want information collected through the use of Cookies, there is a simple procedure in most browsers that allows you to deny or accept Cookies. However please note that Cookies may be necessary to provide you with features such as registered services. Perception’s cookies do not store the personal information of the users of its application.

Access and/or Correct Personal Information

14.    You have a right to access your personal information and where provided by applicable law, to receive a copy of it.  If you would like to make such a request, please contact us using the contact details at the end of this privacy policy.  We may ask you to provide evidence of your identity before we deal with your request. We will generally give access unless an exemption applies to certain information.

15.    You also have the right to request correction of your personal information and/or in most instances you will be able to correct it yourself through your personal account login.

16.    If you are in the European Union - 

(a)    You also have in certain circumstances the right to request that the personal information that is collected from you is erased, its further processing is restricted or to object to its further processing and the right to data portability.  You can also ask that personal information provided by you to us is transmitted to another party.  You may also withdraw your consent where it has been provided as a condition of our processing your information or object to the further processing of your personal information in certain circumstances. 

(b)    If we refuse any request you make in relation to these rights, we will write to you to explain why and how you can make a complaint about our decision.

(c)    To make a request in respect of these rights or to make a complaint, contact the Privacy Officer. 

(d)    You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a relevant data protection supervisory authority.

17.    If your personal information changes, you may also either correct that information yourself through your personal account login or send an email message to the Privacy Officer; and put the word “UPDATE” in the subject line of the message.

18.    We will deal with your request to access and/or correct your personal information as soon as is practicable after we receive it (usually within 30 days). While we will not charge you for making a request to access your personal information, we may require you to pay our reasonable costs of providing you with that information.  We will not charge you for making a request to correct your personal information or for our costs of correcting your personal information.

Privacy Queries and Complaints

19.    If you would like to make a complaint about our handling of your personal information or you have a query or concern about our handling of your personal information, please contact the Privacy Officer.

20.    We will need to verify you and may ask you to put your complaint in writing.  We will investigate and respond to your complaint as soon as is practicable after we receive it (usually within 30 days).

21.    If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you can refer it to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.  

External Links to Other Websites

22.    Users visiting our website may find links to websites owned and operated by other organizations.  Please note that when you click on one of these links, you are moving to another website.  While we reviewed the linked sites at the time of the posting of the link, and only provide a link if we believe the content of a site might be of interest to users of our site, the content of those linked sites is the responsibility of the organization owning and/or operating the site. Perception is not responsible for the content of any linked site.  We encourage you to read the privacy statements of any linked site as its privacy policy may differ from Perception.


23.    Changes to this privacy policy will be posted at this location.  

Privacy Officer Contact Details

Perception International Inc


For individuals in Europe

For the purposes of the GDPR, Perception with the address as above is a data controller for our website and services provided through our website.  

This policy was last updated: June 2023